My story
We offer our dough to our guests, developed according to the traditional recipe. You can choose from a wide variety of flavours including the popular cinnamon, vanilla, coconut and almond. At our customers’ request, we are happy to fill our chimney cakes with ice cream or mousse, but adding Nutella or pistachio cream is also possible if you wish.
We have been operating our chimney cake stalls at different events and fairs for years. Since 2015, chimney cake has been a registered Hungarikum. Its cylindrical shape, unique smell, and classic taste cannot be compared to other desserts.
We constantly strive to provide our guests with top-quality chimney cakes every time.
What do you find here?
We make the chimney cake dough according to our recipe, following the traditions of the original recipe. Our chimney cakes are made in cylindrical and fillable cones. We offer various creams as toppings, and ice cream and mousse fillings are available as well.